Wedding Shoots

/Wedding Shoots

James and Melissa-Jane

James and Melissa's wedding was just so intimate and special and beautiful. From beginning to end. It was a freezing cold weekend and for the biggest part of the day it was pouring with rain as well. But the weather played along perfectly in the end and actually made the day just that little bit more special. As they walked out of the church getting showered in confetti, a little drizzle was added to the sunshine as a blessing from above. On our way to the venue it was pouring again, but just as we started the couple shoot, the rain stopped and we got the most beautiful, romantic, buttery sunlight! As soon as we finished the rain continued. I just loved how the interior of the venue at La Petite Dauphine tied in perfectly with their look and personalities, minimalizing the need for decorations. Their soft and tender love [...]

July 5th, 2014|Wedding Shoots|0 Comments

O’Keeffe Wedding

The day I went with Niall and Suzanne to De Uijlenes just outside Gansbaai it was pouring wet and the "aisle" in the enchanted forest was so drenched they had it covered with a make-shift bridge. This was also the weekend that Vergelegen Medi-Clinic in Somerset-West got flooded. So after doing a venue inspection in those conditions, we were prepared for the worst! On the morning of their wedding day it drizzled a little, but that was it, and after that the two of them were blessed with an absolutely perfect day! Everyone was so relaxed and had so much fun that it was just an absolute pleasure to photograph this wedding! There was so much love and special moments that I had a hard time choosing photos for the blog. I just loved how Suzannes dress and the décor all blended in with the theme and look of the [...]

March 8th, 2014|Wedding Shoots|0 Comments

Zander and Heloïse

My mom grew up on a farm near George together with her two sisters and one brother. My great-grandfather built the second house at Haroldsbay (circa 1850) and that is where they went for all their holidays - even though it took my great-grandparents almost a week with ox and wagon to get there! As my cousins and I grew up we too splashed in the same pools, stayed in that same house, swam in the same crazy waves and had the same holiday romances as our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents before us. Needless to say, we all hold this special place very dear in our hearts. So when my oldest cousin decided to get married there, everyone was very excited about the mini-reunion! Friday was the most perfect day at the beach you could possibly imagine. But Saturday was a different sory... There were rain, dark ominous clouds and [...]

November 24th, 2012|Wedding Shoots|6 Comments

Albie en Heloise troue

Mens kan sommer dadelik sien as dit twee beste vriende is wat met mekaar trou. Twee "soulmates". En as daardie huwelik dan nog boonop gegrond is op 'n vaste geloof in God dan kan dit mos nie anders as om 'n reuse suksesverhaal te wees nie! Dit was my gedagtes toe ek met 'n glimlag wegstap van Albie en Heloise se troue. Dit was 'n groot voorreg om te kon deel in hulle spesiale dag en te sien met hoeveel opregte liefde, ondersteuning en gebed hulle omring word. Heloise het pragtig gelyk in 'n olyfgroen rok met die mooiste kantdetail en juwele om die prentjie mee af te rond. G'n wonder dat Albie nie sy oë van sy bruid kon afhou nie! Heloise het die vorige aand in een van die gastehuisies op Ongegund Landgoed geslaap en kon dus sommer oorstap na die kapelletjie op die perseel waar hulle in [...]

April 16th, 2011|Wedding Shoots|15 Comments

Paul and Linda’s wedding

I was so thrilled when Paul and Linda asked me to take their wedding photo's! The ceremony was held on the beautifully outstretched lawns of Diemersdal wine farm near Durbanville, with breathtaking views of the vineyards and mountains. With only 40 guests they could fit the reception into the old stable building which gave the evening a very rustic, intimate and homely feel. Even the cake fitted perfectly into the built-in cement crib! Paul and Linda are the sweetest couple and they looked so genuinely happy and in love! Paul has a great sense of humour and definitely gave the guests all the entertainment they could wish for. Thanks Paul and Linda for allowing me to join in your special day and for trusting me to capture these moments. All the best!

October 23rd, 2010|Wedding Shoots|4 Comments