Family Shoots

/Family Shoots

Engelbrecht Gesin

Dit is altyd 'n plesier om die pragtige gesin by hulle prentjie mooi huis af te neem. Nou soveel te meer wat daar twee borrelende rooikop seuntjies is! Die twee boeties is net te oulik vir woorde en dis so dierbaar om te sien hoe klein Sion reeds 'n heldeverering vir sy ouboet het en hom alles wil nadoen. Wat 'n voorreg!

January 7th, 2019|Family Shoots|0 Comments

Hysom Family

The Hysom's is a super fun and super brave family to photograph. We left Somerset-West on a beautiful evening but shortly after we settled in on the beach at Kogel Bay a dark cloud came over and it started pouring. We decided to push trough and these photos were all taken within a few seconds every time the rain let up for brief periods. We had great laughs and I had no idea how the photos would turn out in the end, but with such a fun memory attached to them it really didn't matter that much!

November 27th, 2018|Family Shoots|0 Comments

Teweli Family

This gorgeous family recently visited South Africa from Dar es Salaam to attend a friend's wedding. Their kids came along this time and they wanted to do family shoot while staying in Cape Town. The Mother City delivered the most perfect day on the only date that could work and we spent a glorious morning in Kirstenbosch Gardens. How adorable are these two kids? That little girl's laughter is so contagious you just have to look at the photos to be affected! Just loved capturing their bold personalities. Enjoy!

August 14th, 2018|Family Shoots|0 Comments

Engelbrecht Gesin

Die Engelbrechts het onlangs nog 'n pragtige seuntjie ryker geword en dis vir my so 'n groot voorreg om ook hierdie mylpaal in hulle gesinslewe te kon vasvang. Met so 'n leefstylsessie word 'n tipiese dag in hulle lewens uitgebeeld presies soos dit nou is. Kompleet met 'n babatjie wat nie wil slaap nie en 'n ouboet wat bars uit sy nate van trots, opwinding en 'n bietjie onsekerheid oor sy nuwe boetie. 'n Nuwe baba sorg ook vir ekstra spesiale tye vir ouboet saam met Pappa en dit was so lekker om die twee se dinosaurus avonture te aanskou. En het die twee beeldskone rooikop seuntjies nie die mooiste kamers nie! Baie dankie Annalize en Johann dat ek julle weer kon afneem. Dis vir my so lekker! Geniet die foto's!

May 4th, 2018|Family Shoots|0 Comments

The Betts and Family

This photosession on Yzerfontein's beach was true and honest beach fun with this delightful family. Nothing was staged or posed, it just happened. I met and photographed the Betts in Somerset-West 4 years ago when their first little girl was only 6 months old. Lesley's sister and her husband lives in New Zealand and I am so happy that they asked me again to take some photos of the whole family before they returned home. It is clear that this is a loving, close-knit family who enjoys each other's company tremendously. What could be more precious than that! I tried my best to capture the raw nature of their relationship and all the spontaneous silliness and laughter, because that is what we all treasure most in the end. Enjoy!

April 21st, 2018|Family Shoots|0 Comments

Smith Gesin

Dis vir my 'n reuse voorreg om 'n gesin se mylpale te kan dokumenteer. In die Smith's se geval het ons hulle swangerskap, pasgebore baba en nou Alexander se een jaar oud foto's geneem teen dieselfde agtergrond - in hulle huis en op hulle gusnteling strand (waar Alexander vir seker in sy pa se Surf-spore gaan volg!) Dan kan mens so mooi sien hoe die gesin, die huis en die honde moes groei en aanpas by die nuwe mensie wat by hulle aangesluit het. En wat 'n fees is dit nie! Hierdie klein mannetjie loop oor van persoonlikheid, energie en selfvertroue en hou hulle behoorlik op hulle tone! Geniet hom!

February 20th, 2018|Family Shoots|0 Comments

Matty Family

Marette is a very dear friend of my mine and we've known each other for almost 20 years. She met the love of her life whilst working in London and now lives there permanently with Stuart and their two miracle twin boys. We therefor don't see each other as often as we would like to and I haven't even met the boys yet! So, when she called me in September to say that they will be visiting SA with the boys over the December holidays I was beyond thrilled. They rented a gorgeous house in Yzerfontein and we organised a lifestyle shoot right there and then. It was just fantastic to meet these two little princes who had quite a rough start in life being born as preemies. They are absolutely adorable! Apparently Ethan is the camera shy one of the two and always has a very pensive expression when [...]

January 14th, 2018|Family Shoots|0 Comments

The Herbst’s and family

The Herbst siblings, together with their families, came together from near and far to celebrate their mom's 70th birthday. She loves trees and all she wanted was some photos with her whole family in nature. This shoot was filled with laughter and so much fun! Enjoy the photos!

January 13th, 2018|Family Shoots|0 Comments

Burger Gesin

Dis vir my altyd so lekker om die Burgers af te neem as hulle kom vakansie hou op Pearly Beach. Mooiste gesin van binne en buite en hulle al vier werk altyd so opvallend mooi met mekaar. As daar soveel liefde is en kan mens maar net die knoppie druk en elke foto is spesiaal. Die dag was besonder winderig en koud en die arme kindertjies het verkluim. Maar hulle was baie dapper en het uitgehou tot die einde!

December 21st, 2017|Family Shoots|0 Comments

Kershaw Family

This family is just absolutely gorgeous inside and out. They come to Hermanus from Johannesburg every year for their annual holiday. We met on Grotto beach on one of the most beautiful evenings for their family photos. Except for a chilly wind that had the girls shivering for the last bit of the shoot everything was just perfect. Enjoy!

December 19th, 2017|Family Shoots|0 Comments