

Lara word 1

Wat 'n voorreg om die pragtige Lara-pop weer te kon afneem! Haar ma het 'n Bohemian tema gekies, wat perfek pas by Lara se borrelende persoonlikheid, om die groot mylpaal te vier. Alles was so mooi en keurig en 'n absolute lus vir die oog!

February 26th, 2017|Events|0 Comments

Davis Wedding

Jim and Carole are from the UK but they love South Africa and visit here often. Jim's dad turned 100 this year and the whole family came to celebrate his birthday here. He mentioned at the party that the two of them should please get married before he dies. They figured now would be as good a time as any, seeing that they have been together for 35 years already, and with everyone here anyway they organised the wedding with one day to spare before Jim's dad had to fly back to the UK! It was such an honour to photograph this special and intimate occasion. Thanks so much for asking me to take the pictures. It was wonderful to meet all of you and I wish you many many more happy years together. Thanks a million to Marlize Botha for being my second shooter and second set of hands [...]

February 6th, 2017|Events|2 Comments

Jouke Verjaar!

Hierdie skattige dogtertjie het onlangs haar eerste verjaarsdag met groot feestelikheid gevier! Dis duidelik dat sy binne 'n jaar met haar rustige, dierbare geaardheid sommer diep in almal se harte ingekruip het. Baie geluk Jouke, mag daar nog baie jare vol van voorspoed en geluk op jou wag!

October 31st, 2015|Events|0 Comments

Reünie by Vergelegen

Universiteit Vrystaat se mediese klas van 1994 is deesdae reg oor die wêreld versprei en tog, toe hulle 'n plek moes kies vir hule 20 jaar reünie het die oorgrote meerderheid vir die Wynland gestem. Stables Restaurant by Vergelegen was die perfekte plek om die gesellige wedersiens te huisves en die Boland het die gaste bederf met die allermooiste aand. Dit was 'n aand vol lag en gesels en jare se opvang, en van waar ek gestaan het, het dit gelyk asof die geleentheid 'n reuse sukses was!

October 3rd, 2015|Events|0 Comments

[ s p a s i e ] – Lapo Magni

This week Spasie welcomed chef Lapo Magni of The Drunken Tuscan into their kitchen. Lapo won Italy's MasterChef competition, but luckily for us he has a deeply seated love for Cape Town, so we can enjoy his culinary masterpieces on a regular basis. This spirited, full blood Italian treated Spasie's guests to a feast that started of with bruschetta topped with the most delicious chicken liver pate ( his mom's recipe) followed by a "climaxing risotto" that delighted everyone! He made the risotto in a huge bowl, placed a bottle of champagne in the centre, poured in some sugar and voila, a "climaxing" risotto with true Itlaian flair! Next up was beef ragu made from cow's cheek meat, a delicatessen that is unbelievably tender and tasty. Dinner ended on a high note with a decadent chocolate browny smothered in a berry compote and sprinkled with truffle oil. These dishes were [...]

June 25th, 2015|Events|0 Comments

[ s p a s i e ] – Jules Mercer

Food stylist Jules Mercer from Outlandish Kitchen teamed up with Santa Anna's to treat the guests at Spasie to an exquisite meal. The fantastic wines from Hartenberg Wine Estate completed the picture.

May 22nd, 2015|Events|0 Comments

[ s p a s i e ] – Santa Anna’s

On Friday evening I had the privilege of photographing (and enjoying!) the delicious creations from the talented chefs from Santa Anna's. It all happened at Spasie, the most fantastic underground restaurant in the Bo-Kaap during one of their signature ‪#‎ChefsTable‬ events. The Santa Anna's Team treated guests to a 5 course, Latin American inspired, gourmet BBQ dinner, which was simply exquisite! To top it all off, their food was perfectly paired with some of La Vierge's best wines.

April 10th, 2015|Events|0 Comments

SecretEats – Elgin

SecretEats celebrated their second birthday in the picturesque Elgin valley. They teamed up with Elgin Vintners and the talented chefs from Santa Anna's to treat their guests to an exquisite dining experience under the stars. The delicious slow smoked meat that featured in every dish was perfectly paired with some of Elgin Vintners best wines. As you can see from these photos, the evening was enjoyed thoroughly by each and everyone that was there, so be sure not to miss the next SecretEats event!

March 12th, 2015|Events|0 Comments