Monthly Archives: April 2014


The Betts’ Family

This friendly little girl with the most beautiful blue eyes and cutest curly red hair has definitely got a head start in life. She is surrounded by a loving, fun family who laughs easily and clearly knows how to enjoy and appreciate the little things in life. But on top of that, each and every one of them adores her and showers her with their love. And to be honest, who wouldn't! Thanks so much for letting me take these photos, I hope you enjoy them!

April 26th, 2014|Family Shoots|0 Comments

The Blues Family

For Sue's 70th birthday all her children and grandchildren came to visit, literally from all across the globe! There's no better excuse to have family portraits taken when you have such a joyous reunion and momentous occasion to celebrate. It was lovely meeting all of you and thank you so much for asking me to photograph your wonderful family. Hope you enjoy the photos!

April 21st, 2014|Family Shoots|0 Comments

Franci en Craig

Franci en Craig is 'n pragtige paartjie en so gemaklik in mekaar se geselskap dat hulle baie gou dood natuurlik voor my lens was. Dit het my die voorreg gegun om elke emosie en spesiale oomblikkie tussen hulle werklik te kon vasvang. Hulle liefde vir mekaar straal uit elke foto en die sagtheid en teerheid wat daarmee saamgaan maak dit ekstra mooi. Hierdie dogtertjie is voorwaar gelukkig om die twee vir ouers te kry en in soveel liefde ontvang te word!

April 12th, 2014|Maternity Shoots|0 Comments