

Patel Family

The Patel family came all the way from America to visit South Africa and Namibia together with their kids. While in Cape Town, they stayed in the beautiful new Zarose hotel in Stellenbosch. They wanted a few family photos taken there to commemorate this special holiday. Zarose has the most beautiful panoramic views over the mountains and we were treated to several spectacular vistas as the light kept changing as the sun set. It was breathtaking! It was such a pleausre to meet you and your lovely family Minesh. I hope you had a fantastic trip!

July 14th, 2018|General|0 Comments

Smith Gesin

Vir Nadia ken ek al van hoërskool af en ek en sy en Alec het ook saam regte geswot. Die twee het nou elkeen 'n suksesvolle praktyk, Nadia as prokureur en Alec as konsultant, sowel as 'n gastehuis wat hulle van hulle huis af bedryf. Ek is so bly dat ek die foto's kon neem as viering van die opwindende nuwe hoofstuk wat nou vir hulle voorlê! Ek is seker hulle gaan net so 'n groot sukses van ouerskap maak!

December 8th, 2016|General|0 Comments