Monthly Archives: June 2012


Louw gesin

Eben en Laurico het uit Gauteng kom kuier by die Prinsloo's. Kort voor hul koms het ek die Prinsloo gesin afgeneem en aangesien Benrico vier geword het tydens hulle vakansie het die Louw's die geleentheid gebruik om ook 'n paar gesinsfoto's te laat neem. Met 5 kindertjies tussen die ouderdom van 6 maande en 4 jaar was dit 'n sonnige en woelige oggend in die park vol lagge en huile. Die grootmense moes omtrent bontstaan almal gelukkig te hou en gelyk aan almal se behoeftes te voldoen! Teen die tyd wat almal se bubbles op die gras uitgegooi is was die tyd vir foto's neem verby volgens die kleinspan, en was die tyd ryp vir die belofte van daai verjaarsdag koek om 'n realiteit te word. Benrico, ek hoop jy het heerlik verder verjaar!

June 27th, 2012|Family Shoots|1 Comment

Molteno Girls

These two gorgeous sisters wanted a canvas print to give to their dad for his birthday. But on the day of the shoot it was pouring with rain! So we started off inside the house creating more of a studio look for the canvas. They live on the beautiful Morgenster estate so as soon as the rain let up we rushed outside to have some real fun there. I'm always amazed at how two children from the same parents can not only look different but have completely opposite personalities. As the shoot progressed the true beauty and personality of each of them shone through and I had loads of fun with them both. Hope you enjoy the pictures!

June 17th, 2012|Portrait Shoots|0 Comments

Coetzee Familie

Dis nie nodig om baie tyd saam met die Coetzee's deur te bring om uit te vind dat hulle 'n baie hegte gesin is nie. Daar is duidelik baie warmte en 'n oorvloed liefde in hulle huis. Dit was vir my veral mooi om te sien hoe erg die boetie en sussie oor mekaar is. Ek wou hulle opvreet toe ek hulle vra om by die bome te staan vir 'n foto en hulle spontaan 'n dansie begin doen! Baie dankie vir die geleentheid om julle te kon afneem, dit was heerlik om julle te ontoet!

June 16th, 2012|Family Shoots|0 Comments

Matthaei Family

Every now and then I get reminded of just how small the world is. Irma heard about me from a mutual friend (who went to school with me in Windhoek) while the two of them were living in different countries in Europe. Irma and her husband recently moved backed to South Africa shortly after becoming parents to the most adorable, cuddly baby. She and her siblings are now spread between Stellenbosch, Randburg and Windhoek,so when they, together with their parents, were recently all gathered in Stellenbosch they got me to take a few pictures of all of them together. And what a jolly bunch thye are! While the boys were more interested in practicing their ninja fighting moves, Irma's baby definitely stole the show. She is just the friendliest, most adorable little thing ever! It takes nothing to get her to break out into a very contagious belly laugh and [...]

June 6th, 2012|Family Shoots|2 Comments

Prinsloo Familie

Dit was 'n eerste vir my toe Shaun my kontak en se dat hulle graag gesinsfoto's wil laat neem in 'n park in Junie - met 'n 3 weke oue baba! Hy het my oortuig dat dit nie 'n probleem sal wees nie en dat hulle nuwe Bou Bulletjie boonop baie taai is! Gelukkig het die weer saam gespeel en die afgesproke dag was 'n perfekte, heerlike warm, windstil wintersdag soos net die Boland dit kan optower. Ek hoop julle geniet die foto's net so baie soos wat ek geniet het om dit te neem, en mag daai Blou Bul en sy trotse sussie vir julle nog baie vreugde bring!

June 2nd, 2012|Family Shoots|6 Comments