Monthly Archives: October 2010


Paul and Linda’s wedding

I was so thrilled when Paul and Linda asked me to take their wedding photo's! The ceremony was held on the beautifully outstretched lawns of Diemersdal wine farm near Durbanville, with breathtaking views of the vineyards and mountains. With only 40 guests they could fit the reception into the old stable building which gave the evening a very rustic, intimate and homely feel. Even the cake fitted perfectly into the built-in cement crib! Paul and Linda are the sweetest couple and they looked so genuinely happy and in love! Paul has a great sense of humour and definitely gave the guests all the entertainment they could wish for. Thanks Paul and Linda for allowing me to join in your special day and for trusting me to capture these moments. All the best!

October 23rd, 2010|Wedding Shoots|4 Comments


Tydens ons onlangse besoek aan Namibië het ek die geleentheid gehad om vir Aninke af te neem. Sy is 'n baie talentvolle jong ballerina en die dag wat ons haar foto's geneem het was net na die laaste aand van die jaareind konsert. Sy het nog die kostuums by haar gehad en wou graag 'n paar foto's daarvan hê. Al die kleure en net en detail het gesorg vir sulke mooi foto's dat ons op die ou end omtrent die hele sessie in kostuums gedoen het! Ek het intussen ook gehoor dat Aninke uitstekend in haar onlangse ballet eksamen gevaar het en ek is seker daar wag nog groot dinge op haar.

October 8th, 2010|Portrait Shoots|0 Comments

Geyser Family

Lizl and I went to high school together in Windhoek and I was just thrilled when she asked me to take some family photos of them. It was great to see her again after so many years! They are a lovely family with the two most adorable kids. Thanks for the opportunity Lizl, I had so much fun with you and your family!

October 6th, 2010|Family Shoots|1 Comment